Monday, September 24, 2012

My summer

My Summer

For me, this was the most fun time in this year. I thought that the summer will be like a jail in my house, but my mother and my father arranged a trip to Europe BUT it was with a Korean group tour. This isn't good for me because I like to do things with people WHO I KNOW, but the tour was with a bunch of people that i didn't know. The travel still was fun, because I got to go to Italy, France and Switzerland.  countries. The Louvre Museum was the most exciting place where I went in France.

This is a good song that got popular during the summer that I got to know. This is also my favorite song.

This was a song that I liked, but there is a specific video I like because this has many funny accidents. When I have time, I watch this because this can make you laugh when you are grumpy or when you are angry at something. Also, I found this during the summer

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