Monday, September 24, 2012

First weeks of School

First Day of School

My first day of  middle school was fun. I was in 6A and I had some classmates who I were close friends with but I did not like the point that we had a VERY long cafeteria line, lunch at 12:15, not many of my friends and no playing soccer in the tennis court. I do not mean that I hate middle school because there were also many good things that I get. I made a list of the fun and good things in middle school.

-No bus checking in the cafeteria
-Canteen (but i still don't use it)
-Free Time in Recess

Friday Activities
I seriously hated my choice in Friday activities until I got to go there. My mom made me choose Movie-Making, and I thought only high schoolers would have been there. But 2 people in my class were in that activity. We just watched movies, so the activity was not that bad.

Middle School conference
The middle school conference was good, and in the part where we got to go on the computer, I went into this link and I got to know more about Barcelona. FC Barcelona is my favorite team.

Otherwise than that, PE was my favorite activity in this day. The quiz at the end of the day was also fun, too.

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